A place to excel.


Welcome to The Sixth

Thrive academically and socially, as you gain skills, qualities and values that will prepare you for the future.

At St Mary's, we offer inspiring teaching and personalised support. All our students are known and encouraged to build their unique talents and intellectual independence, in our dynamic setting.

Our A Level choices

A warm welcome from Rebecca Landshoff Head of Sixth Form

Read more

Our parent survey report

A Level results

Exceptional results across our A Level subjects

43 %

A* or A grades

72 %

A* - B grades

100 %

Pursuing ambitious future paths

“Having joined the school in Year 7, I’ve been aiming to study at the Royal Veterinary College since Year 9. St Mary's has encouraged and supported me to pursue my goal every step of the way.”

Natasha C-C. Student

“We feel so lucky that we made this choice! My husband and I work in education and really do understand how St Mary's go the extra mile for the girls in their care.”

Parent survey

“The music department is pretty amazing at St Mary’s. I'm delighted to have a place at Cambridge – my teachers encouraged me to apply and were so helpful with the entire process.”

Henrietta McF. Student

“The Upper Sixth has been my favourite year so far at St Mary's – I have enjoyed studying languages and my teachers are inspiring. ”

Flores W. Student

“St Mary’s opens girls’ minds to the world, to have not only knowledge and understanding of it, but to be able to reflect upon culture and society and to contribute significantly to it.”

Rachel Gleeson, Alumna