Happiness matters

At St Mary’s, every student is known and happiness is important. That's why our pastoral care is second-to-none.

Happiness matters

Happiness is key to our health, relationships, our ability to perform, to think and to create. We believe young people achieve their best if they are happy. We listen to our students and value their well-being. Our approach encourages a sense of community, support and compassion, from Junior School through to The Sixth, as well for our boarders.

Pastoral care

Our approach is grounded in love, respect and trust to create a secure environment full of joy. This encourages students to gain a sense of their own worth and promotes emotional well-being. We focus on building the courage and resilience required to realise their full potential.

In daily school life, we share a strong moral and spiritual framework based on our values as a Mary Ward School. This enables students to explore, understand and manage the challenges of today’s society.

“St Mary’s offers a good community around you to fall back on, and teachers that genuinely care about you.” Emily, 6th Former

Girls on Board in Senior School

Chaplaincy in Junior School

Chaplaincy in Senior School

Chaplaincy at The Sixth 


“I feel they are known and loved and encouraged and already I can see the difference this has made to my daughters. Their confidence has soared since joining St Mary's.”

Junior School parent

“Very glad we chose St Mary's because it has really nurtured their wellbeing, at a time when teenagers face more challenges than ever.”

Parent survey