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If you undertook Learning Support lessons in Key Stage 3, you can choose to continue these in Years 10 and 11. These lessons will respond to your individual needs and typically include additional support with coursework, revision and key topics. This option does not lead to a qualification.
Our experienced Learning Support department works across all subject areas to ensure every student has access to the individual support that she needs to fulfil her full potential.
If you have undertaken Learning Support lessons in Year 7, 8 or 9, then you can opt to continue these tailored sessions in Year 10 and 11 to support your progression in other subject areas. These Learning Support lessons replace one (I)GCSE subject on your timetable and do not offer a qualification.
Learning Support lessons offer:
Learning Support lessons are flexible and respond to individual needs. You can use this time to work on coursework, revisit specific topics or receive general help with aspects of study, such as revision.
Please note: If you do not opt for timetabled Learning Support lessons, but later decide they would be beneficial, we may not be able to provide them owing to timetable constraints.
Added Value: How St Mary's boosts GCSE grades
Achieve the results you need to fulfil your dreams.
Specialist English Language Support lessons
Choose from a wide selection of optional subjects.
All students study a range of core subjects
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