Our Student Leadership Team

Taking the lead at St Mary's

More about Sixth Form

Our Student Leadership Team play an active part in school life, taking responsibility for running many of our whole-school activities - from helping with community outreach to contributing to regular school events. 

Incoming team for 2024/25

Name Appointed to
Vinnie H. Head Girl
Trinity Y. Deputy Head Girl (Boarding)     
Rosie D. Deputy Head Girl (Day)    
Poppy H. Academic Leader with responsibility for STEP talks
Dorothy S. Academic Prefect with responsibility for revision & study skills
Charlotte C. Academic Prefect with responsibility for revision & study skills
Connie M. Student Voice and Sustainability Prefect
Catherine R. Junior School Prefect
Sadie P. Junior School Prefect
Emily C. Junior School Prefect
Jade Y. Social and Community Prefect
Elena B. Social and Community Prefect
Florrie S. Drama Captain
Alice K. Music Captain
Imogen E. Sports Captain
Zoe B. Sports Vice-Captain
Rosie D. and Florrie S. Cavendish House Co-Captains
Zoe B. and Gabbie M. Elms House Co-Captains
Cherise L. and Ruby W. Paston House Co-Captains
Imogen E. Brookside House Captain

My key aims as Head Girl:


Supporting students who find school that little bit harder and being a very approachable person that students can come and talk to. I also want to see outdoor teaching becoming much more prominent. And to enable students to have a say in the changes that happen in the school by setting up meetings and surveys.