Vision, mission, values and habits

Our vision, mission, and values statements play a crucial role in capturing the essence of our dynamic and evolving community.


By God's grace, women in time will do much (Mary Ward 1585-1645


As a Christian school, underpinned by our Catholic heritage and the life of Mary Ward, our mission is to develop curious, creative and compassionate young women with the aspiration, confidence and integrity to shape a better world for the common good.


  • Freedom

  • Joy

  • Justice

  • Love

  • Truth

Learning habits

How we live these values in school:

  • H - Hard work - we show perseverance and sustain focus

  • E - Empathy - we are kind, joyful, generous, value friendship and celebrate diversity

  • - Adaptability - we adjust to difficult situations, are open minded, discerning and take calculated risks

  • - Responsibility - we act justly and strive to uphold truth and lead by example

  • T - Thoughtfulness - we are creative, reflective, attentive, show gratitude, hear others and disagree well.