Medical and pastoral care

We value and nurture the happiness and well-being of all our students.

Happiness is important to us. At St Mary's School, we believe the students achieve more when they are happy. That is why our pastoral care is second-to-none.

Our teaching and support staff provide a strong moral and spiritual framework for our students, exemplifying our core values of integrity, justice and respect for human dignity. We guide our students through their educational journey and are dedicated to nurturing new talents and opening doors to creativity, self-development, and new friendships.

Our teachers walk alongside our parents, valuing their role as the first educator of their child and create a learning environment of love, hope and joy based on Gospel values in which individuals are cherished and genuine relationships are nurtured.

Medical and pastoral care


Aodain Clover

Deputy Head: Pastoral


Lay Chaplain


School counsellor

Lay Chaplain

Our Lay Chaplain is trained as an expert listener. Students can visit her without the need for an appointment in the Chaplaincy Room.

School counsellor

Our fully trained, part-time school Counsellor sees students confidentially by arrangement. Sessions can be arranged by the student themselves, by referral from the nurses or teachers, tutors or our boarding team.

We also have an independent listener, whose contact details are readily available on posters throughout the boarding area. She is there for students should they wish to talk to an adult independent of the school.

School Medical Officer

All boarders are registered with the School Medical Officer, Dr Lea-Cox, who is based at Trumpington Road Medical Centre. She treats and prescribes for students as necessary. Dr Lea-Cox visits the school on a weekly basis and other appointments can be organised if the need arises. Boarders who study with us for less than one term will not be registered with the School Medical Officer, but will still be treated if needed under the NHS temporary resident arrangements.

School nurses

Our Medical Centre is staffed by three part-time registered nurses who assist students between 8.00am and 4.00pm. Outside of these hours our Head of Boarding, Housemistress, and Boarding Matrons, who all hold a first aid qualification, are responsible for the care of our boarders.



School nurse

Tanya Fynn

School nurse

Medical emergencies are seen at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, a centre of excellence in the region.