GCSE Music is an enjoyable and rigorous course, concentrating on enjoying music-making through practical elements such as performing and composing, as well as listening and appraising activities which encourage students to engage critically and creatively with a wide range of music.
The course involves studying all types of music from Baroque to Modern, including popular styles and music from other cultures and traditions. The course is structured around four Areas of Study, which determine the content of the course, and students study two ‘set works’ and a range of associated music within each area of study.
The areas of study are as follows:
- Area of Study 1: Musical Forms and Devices
- Area of Study 2: Music for Ensemble
- Area of Study 3: Film Music
- Area of Study 4: Popular Music
Performance and composition - internally marked and externally moderated (60% of the final mark)
During the course students will record two or more final performances (one of which must be an ensemble performance, and two final compositions (one following a brief set by Eduquas and one free composition).
The combined duration of the performances must be over four minutes in total.
The combined duration of the compositions must be between three and six minutes.
Listening and appraising - written examination (40% of the final mark)
The listening/appraising examination, taken at the end of the course, assesses students’ knowledge and understanding of Areas of Study 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the associated set works.