Careers advice

Inspiration & support

Explore our current Careers Programme for each Year Group in Senior School and Sixth Form.

Each Year includes initiatives led by our Careers Department, in conjunction with specific curriculum activities.

This Programme aims to open up a breadth of future paths and to develop skills that will enable students to discover, plan and achieve her career goals.

Year 7

Year 7 Career and Future Skills Department / Curriculum Activities

Careers and Future Skills Guidance

Enterprise and Employability Workshop (Bright Futures)

Bright Futures delivers the Enterprise Programme in an impartial manner to encourage students to make informed choices to fulfil their potential. Students receive access to accurate and up-to-date careers information.

The Enterprise and Employability Workshop achieves the following objectives: 

  • Learn about entrepreneurship. 
  • Learn and practice the top skills used by successful entrepreneurs. 
  • Understand the difference between commercial and social enterprise.
  • Design and create innovative products. 
  • Develop time management skills through working to strict deadlines. 
  • Take part in activities that showcase the different skills needed in the modern workplace. 
  • Identify which skills are highly valued by employers and understand how they relate to specific job roles.

  • Develop problem solving and communication skills.

  •  Work with experienced facilitators in a professional environment that gives students realistic experiences of the workplace.  

  • Makarapa - A social enterprise challenge that involves making a product and showcasing it.

This programme focuses students on employability skills and career self-employment options.

Year 7 Bonding / Adventure Day

There will be sessions for raft building, kayaking and problem-solving games, looking at strengthening employability skills: teamwork, resilience, communication skills & problem solving. Students experience a workplace and look at roles within the adventure holiday industry. 


Visit to Colchester Zoo. Students experience a workplace and explore career opportunities within this field. 


Students role play between being clients and colourists in an interior design firm. 


Research how charities market themselves and how writers/editors and designers create promotional material to increase donations. 

Computer Science 

Learning to code in Python and making a website. 

Arts Award Bronze

The Art Award is designed to inspire students’ art and leadership talents. Students participate in art activities, experience art events, get inspired by artists and share their art skills with others. 






Year 8

Year 8 Career and Future Skills Department / Curriculum Activities

Careers and Future Skills Guidance  

Business Brains and Enterprise Workshop (Bright Futures) 

Bright Futures delivers the Business Brains Workshop in an impartial manner to encourage students to make informed choices to fulfil their potential. Students receive access to accurate and up-to-date careers information.  

The Business Brains and Enterprise Workshop achieves the following objectives: 

  • Take part in a stepwise process to re-brand a failing product.  
  • Experience the thrill of setting up and running a business and compete against other teams in a realistic marketplace. 
  • Be introduced to the 3 Ps of Business: People, Planet, Profit. 
  • Understand profit, loss, breaking even and corporation tax. 
  • Develop sales, marketing, and customer service skills. 
  • Learn and practice the top employability skills required by modern businesses in an environment that replicates a real workplace.  
  • Develop problem solving and communication skills by completing team activities. 
  • Work with experienced facilitators in a professional environment that gives students an authentic experience of the workplace.  

The skills developed build on the Year 7 programme by consolidating employability skills and broadening awareness of a range of career options, particularly those associated with enterprise and self-employment. It teaches teamwork, problem solving and communication skills. It helps the students maintain a positive, “can-do” attitude; it encourages their inner drive so they can believe they can “make it happen”. 








Year 8 Water Sports Adventure Day 

Students visit Adventure Nene for a day of canoeing, archery, climbing and axe throwing. The students demonstrate great resilience mastering new skills in a challenging and unfamiliar environment. They experience an outdoor activity provider and learn about the role of an activity instructor.  


Research artists’ careers and write biographies, critically analysing their work and careers. 

French Study and Activity Trip

This increases spoken French and builds on resilience and team-work skills. 


Visit to Bletchley Park to see how the work of World War II mathematicians helped bring about the end of the war. 


Students study vulcanologists and seismologists. 


Topic on pioneering women in Physics to encourage participation in STEMM careers. 

Youth STEMM Award 

The Year 8 Youth STEMM Award is an opportunity for St Mary’s students to explore beyond the curriculum as they pursue a YSA Junior Award. This practical focus encourages the students to see the STEMM world as one in which many people work in a wide variety of roles. The STEMM Award is about broadening horizons and enthusing students with the wealth of opportunities in STEMM. 






Year 9

Year 9 Career and Future Skills Department / Curriculum Activities

Careers and Future Skills Guidance  

St Mary’s Careers Directory 

Students have access to this bespoke directory to explore different careers by subject to help make their GCSE choices and fulfil their potential. The Directory offers independent and impartial advice about a broad range of careers open to them. 

Kudos Careers Programme:  

Lesson 1 – Self-analysis using Kudos producing a range of careers based on student’s likes and dislikes. 

Lesson 2 – Researching different careers and labour market information. 

Lesson 3 – Financial awareness based on income and expenditure. 

Lesson 4 – Employability skills needed for different careers. 

GCSE Guidance Interviews:  

Year 9 students, with their parents, are offered a guidance interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss choices and intentions for GCSE and beyond. If the student or parent needs more guidance, they are signposted to Head of Careers or the National Careers Service. 

Option Process: 

An opportunity to access online careers advice software for all students. 
A meeting with form tutors to discuss option choices. 
Presentations on current and new option choices in assembly time. 
Guidance sent to parents outlining option choices. 
An opportunity for parents to discuss options at Year 9 Parents Evening. 

Money Matter Workshop (Bright Futures) 

During this workshop students will: 

  • Take part in a series of activities that highlight the skills and knowledge needed to make good financial decisions. These include budgeting, small print (terms and conditions), fraud, financial terminology, credit cards / store cards and payday loans. 
  • Learn about wealth creation – taxes and how money goes around in society. 
  • Work with experienced independent facilitators in a professional environment that gives students realistic experiences of the workplace.  

Careers, Apprenticeship & Higher Education Fair (45 Exhibitors) 

This is an opportunity for students to gain information about different career paths and opportunities in a wide range of fields from law and publishing to accounting and engineering alongside theatre, medicine, filmmaking and many more. It allows them to make informed choices about a broad range of careers assisting with their GCSE choices. 
















Bonding/Adventure Day  

Students develop the following employability skills: teamwork and communication, problem solving, leadership, risk taking and increases independence and confidence preparing them for the workplace. 

The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award  

The volunteering aspect of the award gives every pupil a first-hand experience of the workplace. Achieving the award will give students the edge when applying for college, university, or a job. Developing their future skills such as resilience, commitment, leadership, and teamwork. 

Cadbury World Trip  

Experience of a workplace and discover the many roles associated with manufacturing and marketing. Explore how Cadbury manufacture popular products and 100 years of innovative advertising and packaging design.  


Students research artists' careers and write biographies, critically analysing their work and careers. 


Access to Digital Theatre Plus which includes lots of live theatre performances and interviews with those in the industry. 

French Study and Activity Trip  

Increases spoken French and builds on resilience and team-work skills. 


UK employment structure and changes. Role of the Environment Agency. 


Visit to Duxford to study how a museum collection is collated and understand the roles in a museum. 


Study probability including how to calculate the probability of combined events which links into things such as calculating the odds of winning the lottery or pricing insurance contracts. 


Song writing - link to the Music Business and the recording/producing of popular music. 

Religious Studies  

Stewardship - working with the environment and climate. Science and creation - importance of scientific research and development. 


Study jobs, responsibilities and future aspirations. 


Look at the case study of a British fashion designer - Stella McCartney. 


Visit to Science Fair. 












Year 10

Year 10 Career And Future Skills  Department / Curriculum Activities

Careers and Future Skills Guidance  

Employability and Enterprise Workshop (Bright Futures) 

  • Develop negotiation skills and learn simple negotiation strategies that work. 
  • Learn and practice the top employability skills required by modern businesses in an environment that replicates a modern workplace.  
  • Experience the recruitment process from an employer’s perspective and gain a unique insight into a variety of academic and vocational routes to employment. 
  • Learn what to do and what not to do when trying to create a CV that shines. 
  • Practice job interview skills and learn how to sell themselves. 
  • Take part in a ‘live trading’ activity that gives students a chance to experience entrepreneurship through managing risk and reward. Students will make investment choices through analysing data and calculating probability. 
  • Work with experienced facilitators in a professional environment that gives students realistic experiences of the workplace.  

Personalised Careers Advice letter based on student’s career aspirations or future A Level/subject choice to enable them to make informed choices about a broad range of careers to fulfil their potential. 

Sixth Form Taster A level Lessons

Year 11 students experience life in the sixth form. They attend taster A level classes to help them decide on future subjects they may wish to study post 16. 

Virtual Experiences of Work and Future Skills Opportunities 

The Careers Department email students’ virtual experiences of work opportunities and are encouraged to attend at least one over the summer holiday which enables them to engage and experience the workplace. 

Careers, Apprenticeship & Higher Education Fair (45 Exhibitors) 

This is an opportunity for students to gain information about different career paths and opportunities in a wide range of fields from law and publishing to accounting and engineering alongside theatre, medicine, filmmaking and many more. It allows them to make informed choices about a broad range of careers. 

Level 2 Higher Project Qualification 

Students identify, design and complete an individual project, applying a range of organisational skills and strategies to meet agreed objectives. Students develop a range of employability skills, solve problems, take decisions critically, creatively and flexibly, to achieve planned outcomes. 

Physics at Work Exhibition at Cavendish Lab, Cambridge University 

The primary aim of this visit is to stimulate interest and encourage wider participation in Physics amongst 14 - 16-year-olds by showcasing the many and varied ways in which Physics is used in the everyday world. 

Computer Science 

Topics are directly linked to careers, Cyber Security, E-Commerce, Collaboration, Designing Websites. 


Costume Designers. 


Focuses on key skills such as discussion, drafting, editing, creativity and writing in different styles. These are skills that are useful in an extremely wide range of potential career paths: journalism, broadcast journalism, marketing, communication, advertising, the arts, politics, research etc. 

Food Technology 

Study sensory analysis and consider who uses these techniques in their careers - home economists, food analysts. 


UK employment structure and changes. Role of the Environment Agency. 

Geography Field Trip to Wales 

This includes experiences of the workplace with a visit to a hydro-electric power station and a wind farm. 


Film Music - Composing music for film and TV. Musical theatre and careers associated with this area. 




Year 11

Year 11 Career and Future Skills  Department / Curriculum Activities

Careers and Future Skills Guidance for Post 16 Options 

St Mary’s Careers and Future Skills Directory

Students have access to St Mary’s Careers Directory to explore different careers by subject to help make their post 16 choices. The Directory offers independent and impartial advice about a broad range of careers open to them. 

Employability and Future Skills Workshop (Form the Future) 

Four workshops run by local volunteers/employers: 

  • CV writing – Local recruitment company guide students to produce a CV demonstrating their key strengths. 
  • Interview skills – Local employers interview each student individually to develop their interview skills and share their expertise. 
  • Decision making – A local entrepreneur gives advice on self-management offering a variety of strategies to help with decisions about their future.
  • University and Apprenticeships – Insite into a full range of learning opportunities post 16 from local employers and apprentices.

Sixth Form Open Evening 

An opportunity for students to meet and quiz subject specialists about post 16 options. 

Post 16 Guidance Interviews 

Each Year 11 student, with their parents, is offered a guidance interview with the Head or Deputy Head of Sixth Form to explore the full range of post 16 options available to them.  

Virtual Experiences of Work and Future Skills Opportunities 

The Careers department email students virtual industry/work experience opportunities and are encouraged to attend at least one over the summer holiday which enables them to engage and experience the workplace. 

Careers, Apprenticeship & Higher Education Fair (45 Exhibitors) 

This is an opportunity for students to gain information about different career paths and opportunities in a wide range of fields from law and publishing to accounting and engineering alongside theatre, medicine, filmmaking and many more. It allows them to make informed choices about a broad range of careers assisting with post 16 choices. 

Inspire My Future Talks 
Local employers come into school to speak to students about their careers and the pathways they took. This allows students to make informed choices about a broad range of careers and post 18 options. 

Post GCSE Result Support 

On results day students have an opportunity to discuss their post 16 options with SLT if required. 


Creative careers talk given by classroom teachers, looking at post 16 option choices and the career pathways related to them 


Genetic engineering where scientists can genetically engineer bacteria to produce insulin, we also discuss genetically modified crops and the role of scientists in producing them. 

Computer Science

Topics directly relate to tech careers: Comms and the Internet, Security, Software, Ethics, Programming & Solution Development and Databases. 


Maths Inspiration is a national programme of interactive maths lecture shows for students. It gives students an opportunity to experience the UK's most inspiring maths speakers presenting mathematics live in the context of exciting, real-world applications.  


Theatre Visit – An Inspector Calls. 


Implicit in looking at conservation. 


Thermal energy topics which link to design and engineering to reduce energy use. 

Physical Education 

Leadership opportunities in lessons. For example, helping to coach or umpire. 

Girls Go Gold Conference 

Girls Go Gold Conference partnered with Youth Sport Trust and the University of Bath. Programme includes keynote speakers, practical masterclasses, and wellbeing sessions from world class athletes. 


Study of part-time jobs, work experience, applying for jobs, gap years and future plans. 


Careers visitors and looking at different fashion and textile designers/artists. 


Years 12 and 13

Sixth Form Future Skills and Guidance Department / Curriculum Activities

Careers and Future Skills Guidance 

Academic Engagement  

Academic engagement is important in helping students discover their passions and will enable all students to build a strong profile when applying for university and other post 16 options. 

St Mary’s Bespoke Sixth Form Future Skills and Guidance s Directory 

The Careers Department have designed a Sixth Form Future Skills and Guidance Directory. This focuses on different careers/industries, providing the below information by sector: 

  • Industry engagement and volunteering opportunities 
  • Virtual and in person experiences of work. 
  • University: how to choose the right degree, what can I do with my degree, videos to help students when applying for university and a link to university open days. 
  • Degree apprenticeships an alternative to university. 
  • Gap year information. 

Introduction to Careers and Work Experience

Career provision in the Sixth Form is about personalised and tailored support based on the interests and needs of each student. 

Experiences of Work 

The students are supported to obtain experiences of the workplace. They are encouraged to participate in both on site and virtual work experience, volunteering, and industry events with a wide range of partners. The aim of this is to give pupils experience in an area of career interest, as well as an insight into the skills required for the modern workplace. Students are encouraged to seek opportunities at a time convenient with their academic studies and on-site placements are arranged by the Work Experience Co-ordinator. 

Careers Questionnaire

Career provision in the Sixth Form is about personalised and tailored support based on the interests and career aspirations of each student. The students complete a careers/work experience questionnaire. Students are emailed Experiences of Work opportunities based on their career aspirations.  

CV Workshop

To provide guidance on producing a CV to help students fulfil their potential highlighting their key skills. Students submit a draft CV to the Work Experience Co-ordinator and can arrange a one-to-one meeting to review and finalise it. 

Employability and Interview Skills Workshop

This is led by our external partner InvestIN Education to help develop the students’ potential by developing their confidence and interview skills. 

Gap Year Presentations

Information on post 18 gap year options delivered by recognised Gap Year Providers. 

Apprenticeship Presentations  from local employers and apprentices. 

One-to-one Careers Interview with an Independent Careers Advisor from Form the Future

Independent personal guidance is tailored to the needs of each student and provides the opportunity to discuss ideas, identify strengths, areas for development and a pathway to success. Students work with an Independent Careers Advisor to devise an action plan to make decisions about their future and post 18 options. 

Careers Software - Kudos

A careers programme which enables students to explore different career options based on their likes, dislikes, and skill set.  This enables them to find out more about specific careers, training, education, and themselves as they develop a personalised careers plan. 

Support with Post 18 Applications  

Sixth Form students have regular individual consultations with tutors to discuss their next steps and identify strategies to achieve them. 


Lower Sixth students have a day off timetable dedicated to the logistics of next steps regarding the university application system. Presentations include a representative from a university, a past student and a keynote speaker from industry. 

UCAS Applications

Tutors offer advice and support with UCAS applications. Head of Sixth form offers individual meetings with students before UCAS applications are sent off. 

International Universities

Support for applications is given by the Deputy Head of Sixth Form. 


Students are sign posted to multiple apprenticeship opportunities both locally and nationally. The Work Experience Co-ordinator offers support where needed with the application process.  

Aptitude Tests - registering for and support where needed. 

Mock Interviews from Local Volunteers organised by the Head of Sixth Form if required. 

Careers, Apprenticeship & Higher Education Fair (45 Stand) 

This is an opportunity for students to gain information about different career paths and opportunities in a wide range of fields from law and publishing to accounting and engineering alongside theatre, medicine, filmmaking and many more. It allows them to make informed choices about a broad range of careers assisting with their post 18 options. 

Inspire My Future Talks 

Local employers come into school to speak to students about their careers and the pathways they took. This allows students to make informed choices about a broad range of careers and post 18 options. 

Financial Awareness 

An Independent financial advisor runs two workshops preparing Year 13 students for their financial life at university and beyond.  

  • How to assess good debt from bad debt. 
  • What interest means and how it works? 
  • What credit history is and how it affects you. 
  • Students’ loans from a financial planning perspective. 
  • Overdrafts -how do they work, and should I use one? 
  • Credit card - how do they work and should I use one? 
  • Understanding attitudes to money and how to become good with money. 
  • Guidance of sources of income for students, and how to survive financially. 
  • Understanding of potential taxation issues. 
  • Managing living expenses, including accommodation and food. 
  • How to set up, plan and run a realistic budget.

Future Learn Courses 

Future Learn offers a diverse selection of free courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world. 


An Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) provides an opportunity for students  to extend their abilities beyond their sixth form course of study, stand out and support their personal aspirations for higher education and career development. Students develop a range of employability skills, solve problems, take decisions critically, creatively and flexibly, to achieve planned outcomes. 

Bronze STEMM Award 

Developing their skills and knowledge and exploring different careers in STEMM sectors. 

Global Citizenship 

To explore the world and its issues on justice, change, rights and activism. This helps students to see the bigger picture and develop the knowledge of rights and responsibilities. 


Sainsbury Centre/Art Gallery & Museum Trip – View exhibitions and learn from local artists and explore the range of career opportunities within this field. 


Big Biology Day. Students can attend this career event where they assist Scientific research organisations run activities for younger students designed to shape and inspire the younger generation. 

Business & Economics 

Labour Market Information explores the reasons for differences in wages between different professions.  In Macroeconomics the students study the impact of increasing the skills of the workforce, for example, through education and apprenticeships on the economy.  In Business the students study HR and recruitment decisions and explore different roles within organisations and discuss what a modern workplace looks like and entrepreneurship. 


All students have access to Digital Theatre Plus - lots of recorded live theatre performances as well as interviews with theatre makers who work in the industry.  If a student is interested in set design, they can watch the interview with set designers looking at their career paths and the way in which they work. 

French and German 

Students cover the topic of volunteering in the future and consider the pros and cons of living and working abroad. 


Popular music - link to the Music Business and the recording or producing of popular music. Careers in studio management, sound and lighting and the technical side of popular music are explored. 


CPAC covers how practical work is carried out by professional scientists with a wealth of opportunity across the curriculum to discuss. 


The Psychopathology unit is linked to careers in psychotherapy, detailing therapeutic interventions. Students study attachment which is relevant to those considering a career in childcare development. 

Psychology Conference 

Students meet academics and professional psychologists in a range of disciplines. 


Aspects of Hispanic Society - includes looking at how technology has changed the world including the world of work. 


Careers visitors, university talks and looking at different fashion and textile designers/artists.