
From our International Co-ordinator

From our International Co-ordinator

This year has seen our student body expand their international learning despite many not being able to travel as freely.

We have continued to work towards our International School Award and have formed an International Committee. Despite not being able to do some of our normal international activities, we have forged new links with schools in Pakistan and Australia and developed exciting projects with them, such as a virtual exchange.

With healthcare challenges, political polarisation and environmental disasters threatening the greater global community, international learning and developing as global citizens and future leaders is more vital than ever.

International Committee

The committee formed at the start of the Autumn Term and has become involved in a range of activities for the school’s international community. They have been delivering remote assemblies across the year groups on a range of topics from International Day of Education to World Wildlife Day and got involved with digital campaigning for International Day of the Girl.

The committee helped mark Holocaust Memorial Day with the whole school, as an internationally marked day of remembrance, and also gave members an opportunity to develop their political literacy, writing about the US Presidential Election and other global current affairs in their newsletters. Along with the Environment Action Group, they set up challenges and competitions for students to get involved with, such as upcycling a disused object into something new or writing a song or poem about climate change. They created termly newsletters about global issues and events, as well as display boards about our international community and monthly global events.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year celebrations fell during lockdown this year and so, for the Year of the Ox, the students celebrated at home through online workshops, projects and a family quiz. From origami and calligraphy to cookery and creative writing, there was something for everyone to get involved with. Our virtual celebrations gave some students a great opportunity to share and celebrate some of their unique culture, whilst allowing students across the whole school community to learn about a culture they may not have known much about.

Virtual trips

Following other off-screen enrichment days, the students went on a variety of different virtual school trips to celebrate International Women’s Day. The students went to Australia, around the UK, New York, Japan, the Seven Wonders of the World and the Natural Wonders of the World. Many wrote postcards home, tried some local recipes and researched local inspirational women.

Our international learning opportunities align with our school’s Mary Ward values and many aspects of High Performance Learning, such as empathy, alternative perspectives, and collaboration. I look forward to seeing this area of our school continue to develop, and our  students growing into global citizens and leaders.

Miss Dutton

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