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Year 13 Prize Giving celebrates the HEART in everyone

Year 13 Prize Giving celebrates the HEART in everyone

As we find ourselves in exam season once again, it is with great pride that we look back at the last official day in school for our Year 13 students - many who have been part of our St Mary's community since Year 7 or even earlier. 

Prize giving provides the School with an opportunity to reward what we treasure about them, the attributes and qualities we see in them, and how remarkable each one is in their own individual way. 

We began our celebration of our students with a close look at our HEART habits, which are the way we all live out our school values. Hard Work, Empathy, Adaptability, Responsibility and Thinking are the intellectual and character traits which we seek to develop as a community and while we are rightly proud of the whole year group, we awarded prizes to individuals whose actions stood out:

The Hard Work Prize, for students who consistently show perseverance and sustain focus even in the most testing of circumstances, was awarded to:

Chloe F.

Lynn M.

Sarah W.

Maia T.

The Empathy Prize, awarded for kindness joyfulness, generosity, their value of friendships and celebration of diversity, was presented to:

Eleanor E.

Freya G.

Stephy K. 

Rose S. 

Peggy T


Prizes for Adaptability were awarded to students who showed an ability to readily adjust to difficult situations, are open-minded, discerning and where necessary, take calculated risks:

Sophia G. Achu L. Maia T.

Responsibility prizes for those offering service, acting justly, striving to uphold truth and leading by example, were awarded to:

Zoe E. Chiara L. Stephy K.

And for the final letter of the HEART acronym, students who stand out because of the quality of their reflection, creativity, attentiveness, for showing gratitude, listening to others and disagreeing well were awarded the Thinking prize:

Tabitha B. Eleanor E. Leah F.

In addition to the HEART habits that we cherish as a community, we also reward and recognise outstanding contributions and achievements across a wide range.

Above and Beyond Prizes - for students who have consistently gone the extra mile in their studies or their wider participation.

Elizabeth G. Becky I.
Eloise S. Alice W.

Excellence in STEM

Tabitha B. Zoe E. Freya G.
Becky I. Stephy K.  Anna L.
Reem S.  Kasey Y.  

Excellence in Visual Arts

Sarah E. Grace M. Sarah W.

Excellence in Technology

Amie B Sara I-U.

Excellence in Humanities

Leah F. Natasha L. Maine P.
Clem S. Genevieve S-H.  

Excellence in Performing Arts

Achu L. Peggy T.

Excellence in Numeracy

Emmi B. Elizabeth G. Victoria G.
Peggy T. Victoria Y.  

Excellence in Languages

Marina B-R. Leah F. Eloise S.

Excellence in Sport

Connie P.

Excellence in Poetry

Freya G.

Excellence in Oracy and Communications

Eleanor E Sophia G.  Hana M-P.
Lynn M. Connie P. Rose S.
Alice W.    

Excellence in Literature

Natasha L.


Special Prizes were awarded to:

Governors' Award for Excellence - Elizabeth G.

Charlotte Goddard Prize for Classics - Marina B-R.

Hazel Pritchett Harris Award for Excellence in Mathematics - Elizabeth G.

The Poetry Cup - Natasha L.

Sn Christopher Prize for Science - Tabitha B.

Sr Priscilla Memorial Textiles Prize - Sara U-I.

Creative Excellence in the Visual Arts - Grace M.

Excellence in Independent Research (HPQ) - Leah F., Hanna M-P. and Eloise S.

Hope Gilbert Cup for Charities - Connie P.

Grace Deng Memorial Prize for Excellence in Academic Standards, embracing all aspects of school life and making a positive contribution across the school community - Victora G.

Tuley Cup for Service to the School - Becky I. and Natasha L.

Kodiek Prize for Contribution to the School Community - Emmi B.

A gallery of prizegiving photographs is available here