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Year 11s celebrate Impressive 2024 GCSE Results

Year 11s celebrate Impressive 2024 GCSE Results

This year, our Year 11 students have demonstrated their dedication and academic focus, achieving impressive results across a wide range of subjects. We are proud to share that 41% of grades were awarded at the top levels of 9 - 8, and over 75% of grades were at 9 - 6. 

Our girls continue to shine academically, in an environment free from stereotypes, where they are encouraged to explore their talents and capabilities fully. These results reflect the high standard of excellence that we uphold at St Mary’s. We are particularly proud of the exceptional achievements in Additional Mathematics, Music, and Languages, as well as the excellent performances in the Higher Project Qualification. These successes showcase the crucial independent learning and research skills that are so highly valued at A Level and beyond. 

As global research increasingly highlights the benefits of single-sex education, we are proud to be at the forefront of nurturing academic curiosity, creativity, and confidence, alongside personal development. 

The headline GCSE results for 2024 are as follows: 

21% of grades at 9 

41% of grades at 9 - 8 

76% of grades at 9 - 6 


Head of Academic, Dr Paddy Wallace, commented:  

"As our Year 11 students celebrate their well-deserved success, we are excited to see many of them continue their journey at St Mary’s Sixth Form where this year’s students achieved the best A Level results since 2012, with exceptional accomplishments at A* and A* - A grades. We wish our Year 11s all the best as they move forward, confident that their time at St Mary’s has equipped them with the skills and resilience needed to achieve their goals." 

Hannah Helliar, the new Head at St Mary’s, expressed immense pride in the students, saying: 

"As Head, I am incredibly proud of our 2024 GCSE students, whose outstanding results are a true reflection of their dedication to their studies. These achievements not only celebrate their hard work but also highlight the powerful impact of a girls' school environment, where each student is empowered and encouraged to reach her fullest potential. Behind the statistics lie stories of wonderful individual success, sometimes in the face of significant challenges, and today has been one of joy, celebrating each and every one of those triumphs." 

We couldn’t be prouder of our students’ achievements and look forward to supporting them as they continue to excel in their academic journeys. 

2024 results