These boots were made for walking: 'In Her Shoes'
Over our 120th anniversary – as our students travelled the world on school trips and engaged in local activities – we reflected on the herculean 1,500 mile walk to Rome, undertaken by Mary Ward to present her vision for educating women to three different Popes.
To symbolise the 'In Her Shoes' initiative, our creative Junior School and Senior School students and staff crafted two beautiful pairs of 'Mary Ward' shoes. The shoe designs highlighted some of the key characteristics of a Mary Ward School, which underpin our school ethos and shape everyday life at St Mary's School.
They accompanied our students on numerous Duke of Edinburgh's Award expeditions in the UK, as well as other school trips to locations such as:
They even travelled as far as the Bahamas!
Although these boots were made for walking, after more than 11,000 miles of travel it's time that our 'Mary Ward' shoes had a rest.
Visit our gallery of the shoes on their adventures