The benefits of bowling
The Sixth Form recently took a little time out of their busy study schedules to enjoy tenpin bowling; wrapping up the benefits of a bit of exercise with some laughter and fun with friends in one happy evening.
Physical activity and social interaction are great for encouraging students to take time out and relax - ideal respite for students whose minds are on mocks and the real examinations later this year.
Our top tips for staying calm and healthy while you study are:
- Eat a health and balanced diet (with a few snacks of course).
- Don't compare yourself to others, worry about who is working the longest, who is doing better than you (unless it's a highly competitive bowling match!).
- Don't give up relaxing activities. Sometimes it is tempting to think you can cram in some extra study, just a little bit more revision, but don't make that mistake. Some time out, laughter, fun with friends is all good for your mental and physical well-being.
- Create a schedule - allocate time for study with specific goals for each day, so that when you take time off, you can properly enjoy it, knowing that it's all part of your study plan.
- And don't forget we are here for you. If you are feeling anxious or stressed, book an appointment with the school councillor or talk to your form tutor or subject teachers.
So, bearing that in mind, bowling balls were bowled, snacks consumed, and brains reset to study and focus on the challenges ahead.