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The Art of Earth Day

The Art of Earth Day

The halls of The Sedgwick Museum were transformed into a kaleidoscope of coloured butterflies on Monday, April 22nd, as our Art Scholars, Eco-committee and House Captains/Vice Captains worked in collaboration with artist Hilary Cox Condron and Parkside Community College. The Sedgwick Museum unveiled an awe-inspiring art installation titled ‘Climates Past, Climate Futures’ for Earth Day. 

The brainchild of the Parkside Community College Social Action Group, this visionary project aimed to delve into the narrative of our planet's history, exploring themes of mass extinction events, interconnectedness, climate change, fragility, and transformation. Guided by Earth scientists and museum curators, and under the artistic direction of Hilary Cox Condron, the group embarked on a journey to create an installation that would not only captivate the senses but also provoke deep reflection on humanity's impact on the environment. 

Central to the installation were hundreds of delicate paper butterflies, each meticulously crafted to symbolise different aspects of our planet's story. Inspired by the revelation that butterflies can serve as early warning signs of environmental change, these paper creatures fluttered throughout the museum, serving as silent yet powerful messengers of hope and warning. 

A Year 7 Art Scholar said

“It was great to see our work up in the museum and explore the exhibition. Also to sit and draw, whilst learning about the environment”.  

The symbolism behind the butterflies represented flourishing life, natural extinction events, and the stark realities of climate change.  Visitors were invited to contemplate the delicate balance of our ecosystems and the urgent need for collective action to preserve our planet for future generations. 

The collaborative spirit that brought this installation to life was a testament to the power of unity and shared purpose in addressing the pressing environmental challenges of our time. 

Ms. Conroy emphasised that 

"as educators, it's our duty to offer avenues and access for learning beyond the classroom, igniting boundless curiosity and connecting classroom teachings with the rich artefacts of museums. This integration transforms education into an immersive journey of discovery." 

‘Climates Past, Climate Futures’ was more than just an art installation—it was a rallying cry for action, a celebration of our planet's beauty, and a reminder of our collective responsibility to cherish and protect the world we call home.  

A gallery of photographs is here