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Teddy bear tombola

Teddy bear tombola

Well done to Year 6 pupil, Diya S., for her recent efforts to raise funds for two very worthy causes. Diya is one of our Mary Ward scholars and we are very pleased to report that the Teddy Bear Tombola and cake sale, which was organised by Diya and held earlier this month, raised an impressive £282.58. Diya hopes to increase the total raised to £300.00 with a few more donations.

Once the £300.00 mark is achieved, Diya plans to donate £100.00 to the C3 Community Church’s coffee mornings for the elderly in Trumpington, which Diya’s family regularly supports, and will split the remaining £200.00 between two current CAFOD campaigns; the refugee crisis appeal and the ‘Lost Family Portraits’campaign. Diya and her family wish to thank all those who helped in the organisation of the tombola, as well as those who donated teddies and funds to the causes.