News and blog

Mrs Hunt heads off to Ethiopia

Former teacher and long-time friend of the Junior School, Mrs Jane Hunt spoke to Junior School pupils in assembly this week about her recent trip to Ethiopia. Jane frequently travels to Africa to visit friends and support individual girls and schools. She showed pupils various photographs of the slums around Ethiopia, which were a real eye-opener for the girls. The school raises funds to support Jane’s work and one of the girls who has benefited from our support for a number of years is Hani. Jane showed photographs of Hani wearing a dress that the girls previously helped to buy, through fundraising, and spoke about plans to take her to the markets to buy essentials on this journey. This year the girls have fundraised to again buy Hani a new dress and on her return, Jane promises to come back with photos of Hani in her new dress to show the girls how their money and support is helping Hani, and others like her, across the globe. Jane’s visits always make the meaning of global development and charity more tangible for the girls and show them how they can make a real difference.