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Mr Oliver Frazer's #teachereffect at St Mary's

Mr Oliver Frazer's #teachereffect at St Mary's

We like to celebrate our teaching staff who help make St Mary’s School, Cambridge such an inspiring place for girls to learn and flourish. We call it the #teachereffect.

We continue our series with Mr Oliver Frazer, our new Head of Rowing, who started with us this academic year.

Can you explain your role at St Mary’s 

As Head of Rowing, my job is to run our rowing programme right from our Learn to Row pupils right through to those aiming at national level races as well as running rowing sessions during Games. 

When did you start at St Mary’s? 

I started this summer with the summer camps St Mary’s offer and got into school for the first time proper in September. 

What did you do before you joined? 

Before this I was a Maths teacher at a local school as well as volunteering as the Head Junior coach of Cantabrigian Rowing Club. So, combining that with my young family was quite busy! I am really looking forward this year to being able to focus more time on my rowing coaching. 

Were you always interested in working with children? What fuelled that interest? 

I have always really enjoyed helping others to learn, whether that’s on the water or in a classroom. I got into coaching after I had to stop rowing due to injury and I loved it straight away. 

What have been your highlights of working at St Mary’s? 

I have not been here long but everyone across the school has been incredibly lovely and I have felt at home straight away. I really enjoy being out with crews on the river and have loved the outings so far. 

Why do you enjoy being in a teaching and learning environment?  

It’s a privilege to get to see young people develop and I have always really enjoyed exploring new ways to help pupils progress. Wherever you are on your learning journey, there is always some way you can improve and helping people towards that is incredibly satisfying.  

What do you like to do in your free time when you are not at St Mary’s? 

It used to be coaching rowing but now I get to do that all day which is amazing. I just like spending time with my family, watching sport, particularly rugby and cricket, and I do enjoy sitting down to watch a good series on tv. 

What is an interesting fact about you that may surprise us? 

I am a massive Terry Pratchett fan. I have read all the Discworld novels a few times over and take one on most holidays as well as something new to read. 

What advice do you have for all the students you have worked alongside – past and present – to help them on their journey in life! 

My piece of advice is to pick something you love and really throw yourself into it. If you are truly invested in something, you will get good at it and most of the time it can then mean you can spend your days doing it as a job. The people I have known who are best at things are the ones who have nurtured an interest in it and become experts in it because they are invested in it. 

Discover rowing at St Mary's.