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Mental Health Ambassador training for student Wellbeing Committee

Mental Health Ambassador training for student Wellbeing Committee

As part of St Mary's commitment to developing wellbeing, students of the Wellbeing Committe received in-person Mental Health Ambassador training with professional advisors from The Safeguarding Alliance.

The session included activities and discussions to develop their understanding of mental health and wellbeing and consider the triggers for poor mental health amongst students. There was also a strong focus on the importance of self-care, particularly for Committee members who, in this role, will be helping to provide peer support for others.

The Safeguarding Alliance worked with the Committee to:

  • identify their strengths individually and as a team
  • acknowledge current successful wellbeing practices in school and areas for development
  • formulate an action plan with strategies to further promote positive mental health and wellbeing at St Mary's
  • consider ways to engage with parents/guardians, staff and governors on this important topic.

We are confident that this will enable to the Committee to continue the excellent work they have already started, with the recent opening of the Wellbeing Room and several wellbeing-focused assemblies.


Find out more about happiness and wellbeing at St Mary's