
Wikipedia edit-athon

Wikipedia edit-athon

We joined forces with Newnham College to host a Wikipedia edit-athon on International Day of the Girl in a bid ‘to make the Internet less sexist’ for our own students and girls from three other GSA schools. Wikipedia is the seventh most visited website in the world – but only 15 percent of Wikipedia editors are women and fewer than 17 percent of notable profiles are of women. Anyone can edit Wikipedia and so Newnham College invited students to nominate an eminent woman and add to their profile, or to update an existing profile with additional information, in order to address this imbalance and inaccurate representation of both historical, and current pioneering and inspiring women. The girls were given a training session on how to edit Wikipedia, and supported as they began to create new profiles and add to existing profiles. We were pleased to see that one of the groups of students decided to create a profile about Headmistress, Ms Charlotte Avery.