
Wearable scents

Wearable scents

On Friday 24 February Dr Jenny Tillotson from the University of Cambridge visited our Textiles department to give Textiles students from Year 8 to Upper Sixth a talk about her research and development of wearable scent technologies in both fashion and jewellery. Dr Tillotson researches the sense of smell and how it can be used to help treat people with mental illness or to help promote mental well-being in general. For example, by releasing a scent of peppermint people can be alerted to something happening, or by releasing a lavender scent when people are showing symptoms of stress people can come to feel much calmer. Lower Sixth Textiles scholar Annie Q. commented that “the talk was very interesting, giving an insight into a different area of fashion to what is usually perceived, and to how different technologies can be applied into garments”.