
Sixth Form enjoy UNLOC student voice forum

On Tuesday 28 November 5 of our Lower Sixth students took part in the first summit day of the UNLOC student voice forum. The forum sees students from schools all around Cambridge meet to discuss common issues that they are facing in school and work together to come up with solutions. This year the issues included mental health, LGBT rights, life skills and politics.  After electing their peers to various positions, the groups discussed common issues that their schools faced and began to gather some ideas on how to combat these issues. As the only independent school represented, the girls gained an interesting insight into the different nature of problems in some other schools, whereby government funding can be a major obstacle to school initiatives. The groups will meet again once after school before the next summit day in February. Well done to Annabelle B., Maria K., Rosemary T., Emily T. and Sophie Y. for taking part in such a worthwhile and powerful cause.