
Year 9 produce excellent work on tropical rainforests as part of their Ecosystems topic

Year 9 produce excellent work on tropical rainforests as part of their Ecosystems topic

Year 9 have worked on Tropical rainforests as part of our Ecosystems topic this term. We have studied how the rainforests work, their climate and which plants and animals live there. We also studied the value of the rainforest for the indigenous tribes as well as their value globally. They also investigated the causes of deforestation as well as sustainable schemes.

The students then had to write a report to the Brazilian Government on the causes of deforestation, the impacts of deforestation (environmentally, socially and economically) and suggest sustainable management schemes that could be employed. They researched up-to-date data and used it to make recommendations based on real life charities such as World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). 

They displayed many geographical skills and a lot of passion. Ms Hutchinson has never given so many high marks and was so proud of their efforts. 

Here are some of the letters that you can download:

Karla C-C.                                Freya C.