
Year 9 Geography trip to Dorset

Year 9 Geography trip to Dorset

From Friday 16 June to Monday 19 June Year 9 Geography students had a great time visiting Dorset, with the weather providing the group with incredible visibility to see a spectacular view of the whole coastline. There were no shortages of volunteers to paddle into the sea to collect wave measurements, such as the height of each wave's crest and trough, strength of swash and backwash etc. Each evening the girls worked in a classroom to write up their notes and present their data. After that everyone went down to the beach where there was a wonderful cooling breeze off the sea. It seemed as though Dorset was hot, until the air-conditioned coach arrived back in Cambridge, with the girls being hit by a ‘wall’ of stifling hot air as they disembarked. The trip was a great success and everyone enjoyed themselves, thank you to Miss Fleur Spore, Head of Geography, and the rest of the staff team, for giving up weekends to make it possible for the girls to have such a great experience. View some photos from the trip here