
Year 8 resilience afternoon 2017

Year 8 resilience afternoon 2017

Also on the first day of term Year 8 students participated in a resilience afternoon. The aim of the afternoon was to promote to the girls the importance of perseverance and the acceptance of failures. The girls worked together to achieve an objective: creating an egg transporter. This was achieved by the students attempting a range of mental and physical fun challenges. All groups achieved part one of the objective – the egg being successfully transported down a zip-wire. Most groups worked on stage two – to create a loud noise at the end of the zip wire. Only two groups made it to stage three – dropping the egg into a bucket halfway down the zip wire. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and worked well together as part of a team, recognising the strengths within the group and remaining determined to achieve, if at first they did not succeed. A successful afternoon that will hopefully remain in the girls’ memories as an incentive to remain determined in future challenging situations.