
Year 7 hit Herts Young Mariners Base Outdoor Centre for adventure day

Year 7 hit Herts Young Mariners Base Outdoor Centre for adventure day

This week, Year 7 went to the Herts Young Mariners Base Outdoor Centre in Cheshunt for an adventure-filled day of team-building activities. This day helped our youngest members of the Senior School to bond closely at the start of the year. They had a wonderful day trying new activities for the first time and getting to know their cohort.

After a wet coach journey, they arrived at the centre just as the sun started to shine. The first activity involved problem solving, encouraging all the girls to work towards their goal. Head of Year 7 Dr Caldwell says,

‘It was great to see the girls working together finding solutions and supporting each other.’

They built rafts, raced on the small lake and even tried kayaking. Some rafts stayed together better than others, and a few girls fell in. Many of the girls were new to these activities and showed great courage and teamwork.

Once again St Mary’s students made us proud as the instructors said how lovely the girls were, behaving well and following instructions.

Find out more about our supportive Key Stage 3 curriculum here.