
Year 10 visit to the Royal Academy summer exhibition

Year 10 visit to the Royal Academy summer exhibition

On Monday 25 June twenty-five Year 10 students from St Mary's travelled to London to visit the 250th, 'must see' Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy. The Summer Exhibition showcases a variety of work in all media, including painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, architecture and film and provides a unique window onto all areas of the contemporary art world. The trip formed part of the student's 'component one' coursework preparation for Year 11.

Each summer the Royal Academy galleries are jam-packed with contemporary art made by internationally-renowned artists, and exciting new talent. This year, Grayson Perry RA and his committee of fellow artists have handpicked over 1300 artworks in an array of mediums. The art filled over ten rooms across the newly-refurbished Royal Academy.

This was an inspirational opportunity for St Mary’s Art students to see current art in practice and exhibited and at the end of the day they left, not only with an ice cream or cake as a reward for their impeccable behaviour, but also some real insight into the world of art, and full of creative ideas.