
Witty and wonderful Mary Ward celebrations

Witty and wonderful Mary Ward celebrations

To mark Venerable Mary Ward's birthday (23 January) on Monday 25 January a whole school Mass was celebrated in the school hall, at which Fr Peter Leeming presided. Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ, of Heythrop College London, preached on the call to freedom, using her work in Holloway Prison as a starting point for reflection. She spoke about how feelings of failure, insecurity, or reputation can make you feel trapped, but that God’s message, as found in the Gospels, is that 'you are good enough'. Often in trouble at school herself for being too loud, Sr Gemma recalled how an encouraging nun once told her: "Never mind - your big mouth may come in useful one day”. This advice has proved prophetic, as Sr Gemma is now a lecturer, broadcaster and Catholic media commentator.

After the service students enjoyed their traditional post-Mass chocolate bars and tutor groups had tea parties in which some played games or music, and a group of Sixth Form students celebrated by wearing Mary Ward face masks. Following the tea parties, Years 7 and 8, directed by Year 9 students, presented four short plays which they had devised as part of the Witty and Wonderful Mary Ward show. Each play's theme related to one of the 12 Mary Ward characteristics: Coping Effectively with Failure; Embracing Diversity; Valuing Friendship; and Working to Eliminate Injustice. The plays were well-prepared, well-received, and by turn comical and poignant, and the judging panel, comprised of Mr Daniel Bennett, Mrs Emma Fisher and Mrs Kay Dodsworth, awarded mini Oscars. Well done to Rhiannon P., who won Best Actress for her comical portrayal of Mary Ward as the narrator in a re-telling of the Tortoise and the Hare. Congratulations to the winners of Best Play and Best Message categories, a collaborative group of directors and an excellent ensemble cast, for their adaptation based on David Walliams' Mr Stink.