
Winter Head rowing

Winter Head rowing

On Sunday 10 January a crew of Upper Sixth girls took part in the first leg of the Cambridgeshire Winter Head series of races, in the group’s first outing since the Fairbarn races in December.

Despite the early start, and the biting cold, the girls were focussed during the row down to their marshalling position at Baites Bite Lock, kept a strong rhythm over the 2600m course, in the face of strong headwind and stream, and finished in a time of 14:37. The Cambridge City and Champion of the Thames Juniors were slightly faster than our crew, but congratulations to our girls on achieving a quicker time than the Cantabrigian Juniors. The next stages of the competition take place in February and March, so there is plenty of time for our crew to work on their technique. A very well done to all the girls who took part!