
Students hear from guest speakers during Science Week

Students hear from guest speakers during Science Week

As part of Science Week, on 10 March students heard from a range of guest speakers about their jobs and research, which focused on sustainability.

Years 7 and 8 took part in a workshop based on design and engineering. Guest speaker Olivia Jeffries led the session, which was about sustainability in the medical industry, in which students designed and made an artefact using recycled materials. Years 9 and 10 heard from Taylor Uekert, who led a session called 'From waste to fuel: a sunlight-driven approach'. Years 12 and 13 did a workshop called 'Aiming for Sustainability' by Kripa Dwarakanath. Pupils worked in groups to research and present information concerning regarding how to balance environmental, social and economic aspects of development.                       

Another workshop attended by our scholars in Years 9 to 13 was 'Designing for Recyclability' by Robyn Moates. In this workshop Robyn examined the fact that products have to be designed for the purpose of safety, but we also want to look at product end of life and how we can recycle the materials used - sometimes these things are in opposition to each other. She discussed how we can design to solve problems and the girls got hands-on, taking apart some devices to assess how recyclable they thought they were before having a go at designing their own solutions.