
Spring Term commences with inter-house activities

The Senior School House system is a continuation from the Junior School and works to develop friendships between year groups by supporting the vertical integration of our girls. Within each House we have House ‘families’ which comprise a member of staff and about two girls from across each year group. These family bonds continue year on year with new members being ‘adopted’ into the families as the older members of each family leave school.

On Tuesday 5 January the new term, and New Year, kicked off with an inter-house activity, with games played in House families prepared by the House Captains. The House Captains researched different games played in cultures represented in our school community and taught their ‘families’ the rules of each game. The girls played a chopstick game from China, the chain game from Finland and the ‘mummy’ game from Egypt - where one member of the family was wrapped in toilet paper to make a mummy! Great fun was had by all and it was the perfect opportunity for the girls to bond within their families.

The House competition results from the Autumn Term were also presented. At the end of last term Brookside topped the leader board with 324 House points, followed by Elms with 317 points – a close competition. Brookside team members were rewarded with chocolates for their achievement. The students who had amassed the most individual House points were also awarded with a certificate of achievement:

  • Georgie H., Francesca H. and Jinyi L. from Brookside, all scoring 14 points
  • Isobel B. from Cavendish, scoring 16 points
  • Eve M. from Elms, scoring 15 points
  • Lulu H. and Melissa L. from Paston, scoring 16 points

Well done to each of these students for their efforts.

The inter-house Christmas garland competition winner was also announced – congratulations to Brookside on receiving 20 House points for creating the winning garland.