
Professor Harrison visits St Mary's

Professor Harrison visits St Mary's

We welcomed Professor Nicholas Harrison, Professor of French and Postcolonial Studies at King's College London, to St Mary's. Professor Harrison studied French and German at Cambridge and held year-long English-teaching posts at the University of Tunis and in a school in rural Quebec, which inspired a long-term interest in the francophone world outside France. In 1989 he began a PhD about censorship, first back in Cambridge and then for two years in Paris, including a year working as a lector at the ENS in the rue d’Ulm. He returned to Cambridge in 1992 to take up a Junior Research Fellowship at St Catharine's College, where he began working on francophone literature of the Maghreb. After a university lectureship in Cambridge, he moved to London in 1998, working first at UCL and then, from 2005, at King’s.

He gave the girls a valuable insight into what it is like to study French at university and shared how his Year Abroad during his undergraduate studies had changed his life and shaped his career.

Learn more about our modern foreign languanges IGCSEs and A Level French.