
Lourdes Fundraising Fortnight

Lourdes Fundraising Fortnight

Over the last fortnight we have enjoyed our annual Lourdes Fundraising Fortnight. For any members of our community who are unfamiliar with the school’s long history of summer pilgrimages to Lourdes, with Sixth Form students and alumnae, alongside the Catholic Association and the Glanfield Children’s Group, you may be interested to read our upcoming pastoral blog by Miss Aodain Fleming about her many pilgrimages.

As part of our annual efforts to financially support sick and disabled children to take the pilgrimage there have been numerous activities from across our school community to raise funds over the fortnight. ‘Sponge the teacher’ took place last week and at 20 pence per sponge, over £50 was raised on account of students having the opportunity to throw wet sponges at the following teachers: Miss Katie Bills; Mr Adrian Lockwood; Mrs Heather Collison; Mr Paul Mallabone; Miss Kim Cooil; Miss Fleur Spore; Miss Jane Earley; Mr Peter Howard; Mr Daniel Bennet; Dr Andy Flint; and Mrs Hannah Hellier. Thank you to all of the willing teachers involved! We’ve also enjoyed a staff netball match and students across the year groups have been selling food they have prepared – from chocolate waffles to a bake sale, as well as sausage and bacon baps!

The highlight of the fortnight is always our dog show, which took place yesterday afternoon. The award categories are: agility; obedience; and beauty. Ms Charlotte Avery is always delighted to announce the winners and award the rosettes to the winning dogs and special mention this year went to our ‘overall winner’, shining star Shuna, a rescue dog who has found an incredibly happy home with Upper Sxith student Evie R.'s family.