
Girls win places in Pembroke Girls' Choir

Girls win places in Pembroke Girls' Choir

Pembroke College, part of the University of Cambridge is launching a new Girls' Choir in September, and we are delighted to annouce that two of our students, Gigi D. and Maryam G. – stars in the School's selective Allegro choir – successfully auditioned for places in the choir.

The Choir aims to bring together girls between the ages of 11-18 from schools around Cambridge, helping them experience life as a chorister in a Cambridge College. Based in the Chapel of Pembroke College, the Choir will provide a comprehensive musical education, with rehearsals every Wednesday and Thursday after school, and a service of Choral Evensong on Thursdays. The Choir will focus on musical excellence, performing at a professional level on a weekly basis alongside regular concerts and tours. Well done to both girls on this fantastic achievement.