
Fascinating talk by Dr Victoria Avery

Fascinating talk by Dr Victoria Avery

On Thursday 4 March, parents, students, the Circle of Friends and alumnae gathered for a fascinating talk by Dr Victoria Avery, Keeper of Applied Arts at the Fitzwilliam Museum. Guests were treated to drinks and canapes before the intriguing talk and Q & A with Dr Avery.

Dr Avery provided a captivating ‘behind the scenes’ glimpse into her critically-acclaimed exhibition: Feast & Fast - The Art of Food in Europe, 1500-1800. This popular exhibition explores the way food defines us as individuals, communities and nations, through a multi-sensory experience that includes a Jacobean Sugar Banquet, a European Feasting Table and a Georgian Confectioner’s Workshop.

Dr Avery spoke about the topical issues that the exhibition explores, like food security, the origins of food and how it shapes our relationship with nature. The audience were interested to hear more about the work that goes into creating a block-buster exhibition, from getting paintings on loan from other museums, to conserving vital pieces of art and creating the beautiful setting for the artwork. Outreach was also a key feature of this project; from ensuring that exhibits were wheelchair-friendly, to creating special sessions for adults with learning disabilities, it was clear that Dr Avery was passionate about opening up the world of art to as many people as possible.