
Eco Committee introduce ReWorked recycling box to reduce landfill

Eco Committee introduce ReWorked recycling box to reduce landfill

St Mary's Eco Committee have introduced a new box for plastic waste that would normally find its way to the landfill. The box is part of a recycling scheme by the company ReWorked, who collect unrecyclable materials and turn them into useful products such as chairs, plant pots and chalkboards (which can be purchased on their website). 

By collecting all this unrecyclable plastic, they aim to prevent it from contributing to landfills or ending up in the oceans, and to give it a second life as it becomes something new. As it is a selective recycling programme, there is a list of what can and cannot go into the box, the list can also be found on the side of the box and below:

We thank our staff and students for using the new box, and would like to congratulate the Eco Committee for putting this new scheme in place.

Find out more about sustainability at St Mary's here