
‘Bake off’ is back… for Children in Need

‘Bake off’ is back… for Children in Need

Today we invited students, staff, family and friends of the school, of all ages, to enter our Children in Need ‘bake off’. Headmistress, Ms Charlotte Avery, had the pleasure of judging the competition this morning, along with Ruth Bond, former National Chairman of the WI, Maria Benedetto, from La Mimosa in Cambridge, and our own Head Chef, Charles Searle. The categories were: scones; fruit cake; biscuits, shortbread, and cookies; Victoria sandwich; flapjack; and small cakes. A winner was announced for each category, and we also awarded a cross-category winner in each age group: Under 11; 11-18; 18-60; and over 60.

The judging panel sampled each item (it was a fulfilling morning!) and scored them based on taste as well as appearance. Highlights included gluten free brownies, Christmas inspired treats and Pudsey inspired cupcakes - including Year 8 student Charlotte P.'s which won the small cake category.

Entrants paid £1 for each category entered, raising an estimated £60. An additional amount was also raised from selling the baking afterwards - to be announced in due course. Thank you to everyone who baked and brought in contributions, and everyone who bought any of the produce, and especially to our Head of Technology, Mrs Rebecca Landshoff, for organising the ‘bake off’.

The winners

Scones: winner - Olivia T.W. (Year 8); runner up - Emily T. (Year 10)

Fruit cake: winner - Amelie S. (Year 7); runner up - Mrs Alison Wilson (Exams Officer and Technology department)

Biscuits, shortbread, cookies: winner - Libby M. (Year 10); runner up - Mrs Nindy Dhaliwal (Junior School parent)

Victoria sandwich: winner - Elizabeth W. (Year 8); runner up - Georgia G. and Imogen H-H. (both Year 7)

Flapjack: winner - Emma F. (Year 9); runner up - Elizabeth A. (Year 7)

Small cakes: winner - Charlotte P. (Year 8); runner up - Alice M. (Year 9)

Age category winners

Under 11: Viola G. (Year 1)

11-18: Amelie S. (Year 7)

18-60: Mrs Nindy Dhaliwal (Junior School parent)

Over 60: Carol O'Brien (Senior School grandparent)

Tempt your taste buds by vieiwing our bake off gallery by clicking here.