
Alumna Teaches First

Alumna Teaches First

Last week one of our alumnae, Emily Goodridge, returned to the school’s Geography department as part of her Teach First training. Emily graduated with a first class honours degree in Geography from the University of York last summer and is now half way through the first of her two year course. Based at Havelock Academy in Grimsby, Emily’s brief has been to spend a week teaching and observing in a contrasting school.

During the week Emily spoke to a group of Sixth Form students about life at university, the course content for Human and Physical Geography, and her decision to go into teaching, and in particular her choice of the Teach First route, compared with the more traditional PGCE route. Emily also spoke to the girls about the range of careers available through her choice of degree, such as the Lloyds Graduate Training Scheme, Environmental Consultancy jobs, and Masters courses in Geography.

Emily was happy to share with Mrs Sarah Newberry, our Head of Careers and Work Experience, some insight into student budget and costing details, including figures from her own time at university. This information has now been incorporated into a Financial Awareness worksheet for future Upper Sixth tutorial periods, which will focus on preparing the girls for life on a student budget as many of them embark on a university career next year.

It has been a joy to see Emily again four years on, and her advice, observations and comments have been warmly received by the girls.