
All the errors in all the right places

All the errors in all the right places

The St Mary’s School, Cambridge cast and crew of The Comedy of Errors gave a very enjoyable and professional performance of one of Shakespeare’s most farcical plays on Monday 9 November, at The Mumford Theatre. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to perform on a professional stage and delivered a very comprehensive telling of the abridged comedy that sees confusion and chaos born of mistaken identity.

The cast were commended by the Shakespeare School's Festival practitioners for their original pirate concept, which included a beautiful array of costumes, as well as the overall joyfulness of their production. The backstage team was also complimented for efficiency and support.

Our Head of Drama, Ms Roberts, attended the production and remarked how proud of the Year 8 and Year 9 students she was, for effectively telling the story through their characterisation, rising to the occasion and performing confidently in front of older students from other local schools. Thank you to Ms Roberts and Ms Warner and Ms Oliver for their excellent direction and support of the cast.