
Year 6 learn about the industrial revolution

Year 6 learn about the industrial revolution

This half term, the girls in Year 6 have been working hard on their topic, 'The Industrial Revolution'. They have looked at the changes that industrialisation brought to the country and thought about the positive and negative impacts this had on the British people.

Over the last few weeks, the girls have undertaken research projects, investigating the work of a social reformer and how they helped bring about change. Last week, each girl presented their projects to their classmates. The method of presentation was chosen by each pupil and we have had a great variety which were both entertaining and interesting. These have included a Lego figure stop-motion film about the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth; an i-Movie about the Earl of Shaftesbury (complete with trailer); a model hospital ward to illustrate how Florence Nightingale improved nursing care and an A-Z on the life of Elizabeth Fry. The girls (and their parents) have clearly learned a lot about their chosen social reformers and have enjoyed sharing this with their classmates, well done on all your fantastic work. It was also very noticeable that we have a lot to thank the Quaker movement for!