
Junior School referendum results in RemaIN

Junior School referendum results in RemaIN

Over the past week or so there has been quite a buzz in the Year 5 and Year 6 classrooms as the girls thought about, discussed, and formed their own opinions about the EU referendum – an important event to discuss with the girls. They have become accustomed to hearing certain words over recent weeks, particularly ‘referendum’, ‘Brexit’, and ‘RemaIN’, and have discussed the arguments for both sides with gusto. The girls’ understanding has greatly increased and, as opinion polls were conducted earlier this week, the Junior School electorate showed a clear preference for remaining in the EU, with a 74% majority.

On Thursday 23 June, the St Mary’s Junior School, Cambridge polling station was set up in Acton Hall and the first voters were welcomed at 8.00am. With four presiding officers in place, and under the watchful eyes of Ms Jane Freebairn (Year 5 teacher) and Mrs Susan McKay (Year 6 teacher), the Year 5 and Year 6 girls cast their votes.

There was a definite atmosphere of excitement and, in some cases, bewilderment, as the girls came in to make their mark, with one pupil commenting, “when I first found about the EU, I didn’t know much, but I now feel quite excited and want to know not only the outcome at school but the outcome for our country.” Another pupil mentioned, “I felt as if my opinion really mattered.”

The votes were counted and the result from the Junior School electorate was a 75% majority to remain. In terms of learning, the classes have been a hive of activity as the girls have listened, debated and taken on board advice from those around them. They have taken their curiosity further by going home and reading and listening to others around them and news reports. Without doubt, this has been a truly valuable lesson in global rights.