
Fairtrade Fortnight at the Junior School

Fairtrade Fortnight at the Junior School

Fairtrade Fortnight, a campaign for schools to fundraise in order to widen the charity’s reach, took place nationally from Monday 26 February to Sunday 11 March. The fortnight was celebrated at the Junior School with a host of activities organised and run by our pupil-led Eco Council.

Some of the girls used our new Virtual Reality (VR) headsets to access content created by the Fairtrade Foundation especially for the fortnight, to extend their learning about Africa. You can read more about the activity in Head of Juniors' Mr Matthew O'Reilly's latest blog. Other activities included: a talk from a Fairtrade Foundation representative on the charity and what it does, an Easter egg competition, a Fairtrade chocolate sale, a Fairtrade poetry contest, and a Fairtrade information stall.

The week culminated with a fabulous Fairtrade breakfast open to all Junior School families catered by our resident chef, Pauline, and her fantastic team. The Eco Council pupils are grateful and proud that our school community fundraised an incredible £231.62, which has been sent to the Fairtrade Foundation. Thank you to everyone for their generous donations and we hope that the week inspired you to buy Fairtrade!