
Centre For Computing History Trip for Year 6

Centre For Computing History Trip for Year 6

On Wednesday 5 October, all our Year 6 students visited the 'Centre For Computing History' here in Cambridge.  The focus of the visit was an exhibition entitled 'Computing His HerStory', which brought together information about the pioneering women whose contribution to the computing industry was undeniably crucial, as well as providing an insight into those working in computing and associated industries today.  Our students helped to launch the exhibition.

In addition, during the visit they participated in a series of practical activities including learning how to program 40 year old BBC Micro computers using the text-based BBC Basic coding language, discussing the evolution of computers and their uses throughout history, exploring the development of computer games by gaining hands-on experience with a variety of historic computers and their original software, and creating their own Morse Code transmitters and receivers.  They also participated in an engrossing question and answer session led by Suzanna Beanland from Darktrace (a local cyber security company) about possible future careers in tech-related industries.

The staff at the centre and the visiting speaker were extremely impressed with the students, not only in terms of their Computer Science skills, but also with their interest in the development of computing and the historical figures who pioneered it, and their intelligent questions and observations throughout the visit. 

Everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable experience and now have a much greater understanding of the parts that they may be able to play in the next phase of developments within the computing and technology industries, by following in the footsteps of the pioneering women who have already been so instrumental in this field.

Learn more about Computer Science at St Mary's