
Balloon debate puts NASA on top

Balloon debate puts NASA on top

Our academic scholars from Year 7 to Year 9 host a balloon debate each year for an audience of Year 6 pupils. A balloon debate is a style of debate that requires each participant to pitch as to why they (or the character, country, notable figure etc.) should keep their place in a descending hot air balloon. The girls who were competing to keep their places in this debate each represented a brand that was ‘vital for the human race,’ and had to convince the Year 6 pupils that they were the most important.

The scholars chose to represent the brands ranging from Unicef, Google, and Apple to NASA, YouTube, Colgate and John Lewis, among many other household favourites. After their initial pitches, the Year 6 audience members were asked to narrow the competing brands down to six finalists, which were: WaterAid, Calpol, Unicef, GSK Boots and NASA.