
An afternoon of celebration: Junior School Prize Giving

An afternoon of celebration: Junior School Prize Giving

On Tuesday 3 July, the Junior School pupils and their families gathered together in the garden of the Junior School to celebrate our annual Prize Giving. Guests were welcomed by a wonderful performance by the String Ensemble, and later in the programme were serenaded by the Year 6 choir.

Head of Juniors Matthew O’Reilly welcomed the attendees and, along with testimonies from some of the girls about their experiences at the School, explained what it means to be a St Mary’s girl. He referenced the Rebel Girls book, hoping that the Year 6 pupils leave the Junior School as brave and compassionate girls who know that they can go on to do anything and have the confidence to challenge where they see injustice 

We welcomed Miss Helen Fernandes as our Guest Speaker. Helen is a Consultant Neurosurgeon at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, the first female surgeon to be appointed there. She emphasised that St Mary’s, Cambridge gives the girls the confidence to feel that they can go on to do anything. This belief in oneself, she added, is just as important as the abilities and talents of the girls that are nurtured at the School. In a world where many women suffer from ‘Imposter Syndrome’, confidence and self-belief are extremely important in combatting inequalities in the workplace. She explained that we still have some way to go; although 70% of medical students are women, they represent only 10% of surgeons. However, she believes that St Mary’s girls have the ability to go out into the world and right some of these inequalities, by believing in themselves and nurturing their talents.

It is precisely these qualities – discovering and nurturing new talents, hard work and supporting one another– that the School looks to celebrate at our annual Prize Giving. Some highlights from the ceremony are as follows:


Mary Ward Class Prizes

The Mary Ward class prizes are awarded to the girls in each class who have best exemplified the Mary Ward characteristics of;

DEDICATION  to the school and to their studies

PARTICIPATION  in school events the community

MOTIVATION  trying their utmost in everything they do.

KINDNESS  by being kind and courteous to all members of the school community

Reception: Emily M.

Year 1: Emma C.-R.

Year 2: Blake F.

Year 3: Beatrice von T.-C.

Year 4T: Eloise R.

Year 4H: Kierat G.

Year 5W: Evani G.

5S: Ella G.

6M: Cecilia V.-F.

6C: Sarah H.

6F: Tess O’C.


Y6 Mary Ward Prize

These are awarded to 2 girls from each class who embody the MW characteristics/values and show extra-ordinary commitment to school life.

6C: Emerson A., Neha K.

6F: Emily G., Esme H.

6M: Millie S., Isabella W.


Y6 Subject Prizes

Awarded to girls who show excellence in that subject.

English: Niamh B.

Maths: Charlotte B.

Science: Rachael Y.

STEM: Holly L.

French: Lara M.

Mandarin: Sophie B.

Geography: Emily H.

History: Lily G.

RS: Lethando M.

PE: Eleanor T.

Games: Sarah H.

The Kent Cup for Gymnastics: Jasmine H.

Art: Rena L.

Petra Stephenson Music Prize: Ruth W.

Computer Science: Clemmie W.

McWilliam Prize for Commitment to Sport (Year 4 or 5): Phoebe H.


The Higher Performance Learning Prizes Academic Awards

The HPL prizes are new this year and celebrate excellent effort and success through employing specific thinking skills. This year we will award a prize to 5 girls at the end of Pre –Prep and Prep, in Years 2 and 6

HPL Character Year 2 Year 6
Esmerelda Prize Madeleine D. Olivia H.
Astrid Prize Hannah J. Vanille H.
Maisy Prize Tilly B. Sophie P.
Octavia Prize Carla C. R. Karla C.-C.
Sylvie Prize Serena H. Mai L.