
A soaring display from the Raptor Foundation

A soaring display from the Raptor Foundation

Year 1 recently welcomed into school birds and handlers from the Raptor Foundation, a charity which provides medical care for injured birds with the aim of rehabilitating them back into the wild. The eagerly awaited experience occurs annually and this year Head of Juniors, Mr Matthew O'Reilly, had the pleasure of joining the pupils – quite in awe of the majestic birds. The girls enjoyed how close they were able to get to the raptors and were all pleasantly surprised at how peacefully the owls sat on their logs.

Wearing thick leather gloves, Mr O'Reilly revelled at the opportunity to hold a hawk, but was wary of his powerful claws! Following this, the girls confidently approached the tawny owl to give him some much-deserved attention. The afternoon concluded with a flying display from Trevor the barn owl, who flew silently around the hall. The girls watched in amazement at his beauty and strength.