Valuing the wealth of knowledge, advice and natural enthusiasm that guest speakers bring to our classrooms
At St Mary's we value the wealth of knowledge, advice and natural enthusiasm that guest speakers bring to our classrooms, and we are forever grateful to the professionals and experts who kindly give their time to inspire our students with real-time experience.
One such guest recently came from Norwich University of the Arts, to give students in the Art, Photography, and Textiles departments the opportunity to engage with an admissions tutor and course advisor face to face.
This informative session focused on guiding students through the nuances of portfolio preparation, crafting compelling personal statements, and navigating the application process for creative degree programs.

Nuala MC, with her extensive knowledge of the criteria universities seek, offered invaluable advice that resonated deeply with the students. The session covered the art of constructing a robust and impactful portfolio, as well as insights into successful interview techniques. Importantly, the content wasn't confined to the realm of university applications; it also provided valuable insights into the students' ongoing journeys in their creative careers.
Nuala, who not only advises prospective students on further study opportunities at Norwich but also serves as the primary contact for international students, shared her understanding of the expectations for creative course applicants. She delved into the intricacies of the interview process, offering guidance on creating a professional and targeted physical portfolio, complete with sketchbooks and outcomes.
Our guest speaker fielded a range of questions.
"How do panel interviews work?"
"How do I go about finding suitable accomodation for university?"
During the session, students actively sought answers to various queries, ranging from concerns about accommodation and social events to understanding the dynamics of panel interviews and the overall admissions process. The wealth of information provided by Nuala MC not only served as a compass for navigating university applications but also illuminated the path for students pursuing creative careers.
The Careers Programme at St Mary's aims to open up a breadth of future plans - find out more