Enriching the lives of our pupils
- Mr O'Reilly on extra-curricular activities in the Junior School
As the government announces this week that the school day should be extended to provide after-school clubs that enrich the lives of pupils, we can be proudly say at St Mary's Junior School, Cambridge that we are ahead of the curve. Visit the Junior School any weekday between the hours of 4.00pm and 5.00pm and you will find a wealth of clubs in action, from nature club to French theatre club. Over the years I have offered many after-school clubs, including a term running a Japanese club - I'm hopeful that some of the girls in that club still know how to count up to 10 in Japanese. Running a club allows you to to learn more about individual girls' hobbies and see them in a different light, there is a more relaxed atmosphere in a club as teachers and pupils engage in something that they are both interested in. Teachers are encouraged to start clubs in an area they have a passion for, I recall Miss Wygnanska's sewing club or Miss Shale's book club. Girls are able to pursue their interests in Art, Computer Science, sport, nature or languages in this valuable after school hour. We also offer external clubs, such as Cambridge United's Multi Sports Club or our ever popular Coding Club.
Yesterday our popular orchestra had a great rehearsal with Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 6 pupils participating while the Year 4 and Year 5 girls were away on a school trip to Ely. The Year 6 pupils were such fabulous leaders and the little ones learnt a lot. We rehearse every Thursday for half an hour and are busy preparing for the summer concert.
Netball club
Mrs Fiona McWilliam runs a netball club for Year 5 and Year 6 girls after school. A regular group of 18-20 or so girls attend, of mixed abilities, and have great fun practising and playing against each other.
The Junior School also has netball teams at U11, U10 and U9 levels. It is an important part of the St Mary's School, Cambridge ethos that sport is for all, and so there are teams in which girls are selected by ability, as well as teams which are open to all enthusiastic players. Pictured below, our U11 B team recently played Dame Bradbury's and won 4-0. The U10 team also beat a team from Dame Bradbury's, 16-0. For some of our girls it was their first match – a really great experience and well done to all of our netball girls. The girls aspire to achieve full or half colours through excellence, commitment and attitude, practice and play.