
Junior School Sport

Junior School Sport

The Junior School has had another busy and exciting year filled with displays, tournaments and fixtures.

The end of the school year is always a good time to reflect on everything that has been achieved, and it always surprises me how much we manage to fit in!

The winter term saw the girls take part in Hockey: in club time, lessons and matches. The girls improved so much as the season progressed and really benefited from the expert coaching from Mr Grammer and Miss MacIver. Mrs O’Connell and Mr Packer took girls from Year 3 - Year 6 to Netherhall to take part in a cross country event. It was a great experience for all the girls, with some excellent individual performances.

While netball has been running throughout the year with various clubs taken by our specialist Netball Coach, Nicola White, it was the spring term which saw the season really start for the girls. We had numerous fixtures against local schools in which the girls should be pleased with their performances. The U11 also took part in the Bee Netball tournament where they came 3rd in their pool.

Football has become a new part of the Junior School fixture calendar, with the U11s winning their first two matches. The girls have loved this addition to sport and we are going to continue to develop this. The Year 5 and 6 Gymnastics and Dance Display was fantastic and full of twisting and turning, leaping and balancing and well-choreographed group performances. The Year 5 and 6 Gymnastic Team also opened the Senior School Gymnastics Display.

The summer term has seen further excitement with cricket and athletics filling up the fixture calendar for Years 4, 5 and 6. We have had more cricket fixtures than ever before, allowing every girl the opportunity to take part. The Year 6 pupils also took part in the U11 Saracens Hardball competition for the first time and learn a lot from the experience.

We also entered the QuadKicks Athletics event which was held at Wilberforce Road. The Year 4s that took part in this inclusive event saw them run, jump and throw. We took five Year 6 girls to the East Area Preparatory School Athletics Competition. A special mention to Tadi B. who won the shot putt event and has qualified for the National Preparatory School Athletics Competition event in July.

The end of the school year would not be the same without our annual Pre-prep and Prep Sports Days which allow the girls to compete in a range of different track and field events. The girls love taking part in this; cheering on both their peers and their houses!

It is wonderful to watch all the girls take part in the wider curriculum be it through club participation, fixtures, tournament or displays. They always take part with such enthusiasm, team spirit and a love for being physically active.

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