
From the Junior School PTA

From the Junior School PTA

When planning PTA events, the only concern that is out of our control is potentially having to cancel an event due to bad weather ...

At our last PTA meeting back in March, we were looking ahead to our big fundraiser, the Junior School Summer Fete, wondering how we could make this year extra special. None of us could have predicted future fundraising would be cancelled due to the current situation.

What it has highlighted though is just how special our events and gatherings have been, and will continue to be, once we are able to re-join together as a school community.  

Autumn Term

Looking back to the start of the Autumn term we held, for the first time, a magic show in the Junior School dining hall. It was a lovely evening for young and old and importantly a great fundraiser, which will hopefully be repeated this Autumn with a Halloween theme.  

Jezo, of Jezo Events, is well known to the Junior School for the amazing Greatest Showman Light Show he coordinated in the school grounds for Bonfire Night 2018. He was once again welcomed back in November for a firework display. It wasn’t an easy task due to the size of the grounds, but it turned out wonderfully, with Mr O’Reilly helping to light the fuses of the rockets. Something I don’t think he’ll agree to again!  

The highlight of the Autumn term is always the Mulled Wine and Carols Evening and last year was no exception. The girls, led by the very talented Mrs Dudley, sang beautifully on the Junior School staircase above the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree decorated below. The small raffle gathered great excitement and talk and laughter filled the School. The mulled wine flowed so well that we ran out at one point! 

Spring Term

An evening the girls look forward to tremendously is the Junior School Disco which takes place during the Spring Term. Children sporting glowing attire, along with Parents and Teachers all gather together on the dancefloor. This year’s two-hour disco raised over £1000 which is incredible and so vital in helping not only the Junior School but most importantly the girls themselves.  

We can’t predict when the next large social gathering will be able to take place at the Junior School but we can guarantee it is going to be very special and certainly one to remember.