
From our Head Girl

From our Head Girl

In the Head Girl hustings assembly last term I referred to ‘painting a picture’ of what St Mary’s would look like if I were the new Head Girl. Now I am thrilled to inform that I’m halfway through painting that picture.

As the the academic year is drawing to an end, the anticipation of the upcoming summer holiday grows. However, before we embark on our well-deserved vacations and scatter to different corners of the world, it is essential to pause and reflect on the journey we have collectively undertaken throughout the past year.

For me, joining St Mary's in Sixth Form as a boarder last year marked the beginning of a memorable journey. The memories of that first night in the red corridor, surrounded by my fellow Year 12 students, still hold a vivid memory in my mind. We gathered together, savouring cups of tea, and conversed well into the night. As time went on, Mary Ward House truly became a home away from home, and the students became my extended family.

Reflecting on the two terms I spent in boarding, I am filled with eternal gratitude for the invaluable perspective it gave me and the lifelong friendships that blossomed.

Throughout the year we have all grown as individuals and learnt valuable life skills to enable us to thrive in our school community and beyond. We have faced challenges head-on, embraced opportunities and pushed ourselves outside our comfort zones. Not only are we developing our resilience and adaptability, but also our soft skills, and leadership.

The Sixth Form has a presence at the school that has the power to influence and motivate. We have made use of our platform and initiated clubs, lectures, podcasts and workshops that have allowed us to share our knowledge and passions with the younger girls to inspire and lead by example. Including sessions on etymology, forensic pathology, visiting industry professionals from GSK, and creative writing focused on nature. Additionally, we look forward to exploring computational fluid dynamics and ‘leadership & management’.

Outside the classroom our well-being plays a fundamental role in our lives, which ought to be nurtured. The re-introduction of the house system and house captains have played a vital role in bridging the year groups, which unites students as a community and creates a sense of belonging. Sports days have become lively and exciting events, filled with friendly competition and cheers that echo throughout the atmosphere. From leadership applications and interviews, to operating our weekly meetings, we have worked together to make our mark at the school, and continue to do so.

The incredible passion, enthusiasm and optimism of our team has been the driving force behind our success in tackling all the tasks sent our way. To my extraordinary team of 17 student leaders, I’m sending warm hugs as a token of appreciation for your dedication and initiative.

In conclusion, as we reflect on the past academic year, it is evident that we have experienced personal growth, developed skills, and achieved remarkable milestones together. This year has been filled with moments that have shaped us into the people we are today. Whether through academics, sports or acts of leadership we have left our mark at St Mary’s and set the bar for future accomplishments.

A heartfelt thank you to the teachers and staff who support and guide us through our journey, always reminding Sixth Formers to swipe in their lanyards! With gratitude and anticipation, I look forward to the adventures that await us next academic year.

Emmi B. Head Girl

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